Inimitable Blonde

Bleaches and Blonde Line


Bleaching cream

“Inimitable Blonde” bleaching cream is recommended for producing highlights/streaks and for bleaching skin. Cream with high percentages of: shea butter (rich in antioxidant vitamins), silk extract (hydrating, conditioning and restructuring properties) and white pearl (nourishing and remineralizing, anti-ageing and fortifying properties). Protects skin and hair during the lightening process. It can be applied to skin in low volumes.

300 g

What we recommend it for



Shea butter, Silk extract, White pearl.

Usage mode

Directions: mixed in a non-metal receptacle with INIMITABLE BLONDE Emulsion Developer in the mixing ratio 1:2, it forms a soft cream that is easy to apply. You are advised to monitor hair lightening progress during the development time based on the desired result, the base colour and hair condition. The mixing ratio can be reduced (e.g. 1:1.5 - 1:1) to achieve freehand lightening effects. For application on skin, use 10 or 20 volume Developers

information on disposal

Box: PAP 21 Paperboard
Cap PP 05 Plastic
Tube: ALU 41 Aluminium

Waste sorting:
Check the provisions of your Municipality.